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{MG: badMG: future; hereafter; futurity; time to comeMG: result; effect; outcome; consequence; event; issue; upshotMG: symbol; sign; token; mark; symbolisation; symbolic representation} MG: 's; of; possessive; -adj
Semantic relations:
  Opposes: 1

English: inauspicious, unfortunate
not auspicious; boding ill
Bahasa Indonesia: celaka, malang
Slovenčina: nešťastný

WordNet: 1

Français: infortuné
Català: desgraciat, desventurat
Lietuviškai: nesėkmingas, nelaimingas
Italiano: nefasto, scoraggiante, nero, sconfortante
Suomi: huonoenteinen
Galego: non prometedor
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{MG: complement of degree: 'to what extent?'MG: multiply}-fold; times (as many, as much)